Thursday, November 13, 2014

The performance of the Chamber Theatre, won the “Results of the season,” claims the “Golden Mask” – TVNZ

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Today November 14


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The theater will fight for Award in two categories

The management of the festival “Golden Mask” announced the contenders for the award in 2015. In the category “Drama / performance small form” stated Chamber Theatre performance “City Day” (made in the trendy genre verbatim and win this year in the local premium “Results of the season”). In this category had 9 competitors. Director of performance Mikhail Bychkov will fight for the prize in the category “Drama / Director”, it sharper competition – here another 20 candidates.

21 th festival “Golden Mask” will be held in Moscow in March-April 2015 year. Prizes will be awarded April 18 in Musical Theater of Stanislavsky.

Recall Mikhail Bychkov and his statement is not the first time participate in the competition for the prestigious award. In 2001, the Chamber Theatre actress Tatyana Kutihina received the “Golden Mask” for Best Actress in a production of “Uncle’s Dream”. In 2010, the play “Electra and Orestes” was presented in three categories – “Drama / performance small form”, “Drama / Director” and “Drama / artist’s work,” as in 2014 – “14 red huts” .

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