Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Gergiev will arrange a concert for Plisetskaya – Dni.Ru

The conductor Valery Gergiev November 18 arranges a concert in Moscow. Speech artistic director of the Mariinsky Theatre dedicated to the memory of the outstanding ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.
Maya Plisetskaya. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press

The press service of the conductor explained that Plisetskaya was a “close friend Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Theatre the other” . Together with her husband Rodion Shchedrin she came to the performances of the Mariinsky Theatre and festivals not only in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but also in Russian regions and abroad.

The concert will take place in the capital’s Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. The program of the symphony orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre – “Bolero” by Ravel, which musicians will perform under the video presentation Plisetskaya staged by Maurice Bejart in 1975, Tass reported. Also as part of the concert will feature works by the widower of a ballerina – composer Rodion Shchedrin.

How to write Dni.Ru , ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, died May 2 in Germany, of a heart attack. She was 89 years old. Doctors fought for the life of the celebrated dancer, but could do nothing. In recent years, the ballerina lived mainly in Munich, from time to time with her husband came to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Maya Plisetskaya danced nearly 60 years and almost 50 of them – on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, the troupe which it was adopted in 1943, immediately after graduating from the Moscow Choreographic School. The best known are considered to be full of Plisetskaya Odette-Odile in “Swan Lake” Aurora in “Sleeping Beauty”, the Mistress of Copper Mountain “Stone Flower” and Carmen in “Carmen-suite”.

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