Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Head of the Ministry of Culture of the Kama region was suspended after his dismissal Milgram – RIA Novosti

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UFA, July 20 -. RIA Novosti Ramil Salikhov The governor of the Perm region Viktor Basargin dismissed the culture Minister Igor Gladnev edge at the time of the situation of the proceedings with dismissal of artistic director of the Perm academic “Theatre-Theatre” Boris Milgram, told RIA Novosti spokesperson of the governor’s administration.

According to the press service of the “Theatre-Theatre”, the head of the Ministry of Culture edges Igor Gladnev previously dismissed Milgram, appointing in his place as acting Viktor Shilov, who has a law degree and worked as a lawyer before the theater. Gladnev in his address to the media, in turn, reported that Milgram was fired for having failed in their duties, and after removal of the theater’s financial and economic audit will be made.

Ministry of Culture of the Kama region with reported on plans to amend the regulations, staffing, and the name of the Perm academic drama Theatre. However, local media reported that after the dismissal of some actors Milgram theater intended as a protest hunger strike. Also sent a public letter to the governor edge with complaints against Gladnev.

“Basargin ordered to evaluate the received Minister of Culture of the Perm region Igor Gladnev the dismissal of artistic director KGAUK” Perm Academic “Theatre-theater” Boris Milgram. In this regard, an interdepartmental group, which included members of the public. the interdepartmental group’s work, including related to the issues of financial and economic activity of cultural institutions “, – told RIA Novosti spokesperson of the governor of the region

He explained that at the time of the proceedings Gladnev suspended from office as acting. the head of the Ministry of Culture appointed Irina Yasyreva.

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